A roomful of kids and several Beta Tau Delta volunteers had more fun than “Olaf at a Beach Party” in the activity room of the Jefferson public library on an early-out Wednesday in December. The event was hosted in conjunction with the Beta Tau Delta Bahama Beach themed Virtual Charity Ball fundraiser.

Beta members manned seven activity stations through which the children rotated to make island leis, sand dollars, and Olaf characters; mined in the sand for ocean treasures; colored Frozen pictures; decorated and ate ‘fish in the ocean’ graham cracker treats; and heard Frozen stories read to them.
The afternoon ended with a drawing for a stuffed Olaf won by Jacob Ehrich and a book, Frozen 5-Minute Stories, won by Haylee Best.
Beta Tau Delta has been funding and supporting children’s projects and programs in Greene County for more than 90 years. The Virtual Charity Ball replaced the actual Charity Ball fundraiser several years ago when public interest in gala-type dances began to wane. The Virtual Ball gives community members an opportunity to help support a multitude of children’s programs in the schools, the community, and the county. All proceeds are expended only in Greene County.
More information about the Virtual Ball and donation forms can be found at The Printer’s Box, Fudges Flowers and Gifts, Addie’s, Ben Franklin, Royal Jewelers, and Homestead Coffee and Bakery. Contributions can be sent to Anita Van Horn, 102 E. State Street in Jefferson.